Thursday, July 16, 2020

Urban Sketchers Hohenlohe - Wehr an der Leonhardsmühle Unterscheffach (compositional & colour test sketches)

The rythm of the rushing water to the right, compared to the calm water to the left is the interesting part of the sketch. In the upper sketch I used a Rosemaries brush which has a thicker tip, but can carry lots of water and for the colour composition I used a three colour composition (see below). The green colours are not really easy to achieve with this colour triad as well as I am not satisfied with the darkest darks so I tried a fourth sketch of the weir combining colours I liked and the composition with the mill a little more to the right side.

In this last sketch I used 5 colours to my liking and a brush with a good (synthetic) tip.

Knowing that in a larger painting I will use any colour that comes into my mind this is just a compositional reference to help me sketch and bring forth some interesting parts into my painting like the transition between: Calm and more busy areas, between dark and light and between foreground, middle- and background. Enough of my compositional thoughts for today...

Der Rhythmus des Wassers 
- ruhig auf der linken und bewegt auf der rechten Seite  - 
macht für mich die Spannung der Skizze aus. 

In der zweiten Skizze habe ich die Mühle noch etwas nach rechts gerückt und die Dunkelheiten hervorgehoben. Farbangaben und Pinselverwendung sind jeweils unter den Skizzen vermerkt.

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