Friday, January 31, 2025

Zusätzliche Workshops / Additional Workshops


Hier zwei Kurse, die eigens für die Landfrauen vorbereitet wurden. Natürlich sind auch männliche Teilnehmer willkommen;)

Der Kursinhalt ist sowohl für Anfänger, als auch für Fortgeschrittene interessant.

Ich erkläre das dreidimensionale Malen von Gegenständen im Raum und deren harmonische Komposition. Ein wichtiges Thema wird auch die Schattierung sein. Spass mit leuchtenden Farben und natürlich schöne Ergebnisse erwarten uns. 

Meldet euch rechtzeitig bei Claudia an, denn die Plätze sind begrenzt. Tel.: 0151 59472373 


Here come two classes mainly for our local women (men are welcome too ;). 

Beginners and advanced watercolourists are welcome.

I will explain the threedimensional sketching and painting of objects and their composition. A very important subject will be shading. We will have fun with vibrant colours and of course our wonderful results.

Call Claudia for participation: 0151 59472373 places are limited.

Monday, December 9, 2024

What I have been doing lately... Was ich in letzter Zeit so gemacht habe...



Hi guys, did not have much time to post lately. In the meantime I was busy with the exhibition of our Bartensteiner Kreis and giving portrait classes in Crailsheim and Gründelhardt.

My full day intensive workshops are all done with direct Demos and step by step tutoring, each time with different subjects and focuses. You will learn all about skin colours, shadowing, mixing, different techniques, hair textures and bright luminous creation as well as wet-in-wet and dry brush application.

Hallo zusammen, ich hatte leider nicht viel Zeit zu berichten und zu posten, denn ich war in der letzten Zeit mit unserer Ausstellung des Bartensteiner Kreises und vielen Workshops beschäftigt. Hauptsächlich Portrait-Workshops. 

 In meinen Ganztages-Kursen mache ich direkte Demos mit Step-by-step Anleitung. Jeder Kurs mit anderen Themen und Schwerpunkten. Wir befassen uns mit Hautfarben, der Mischung, Schattenfarben, unterschiedlichen Techniken, Haartexturen sowie schönen satt leuchtenden Farben. Wir arbeiten teilweise Naß-in-naß und auch mit Dry-brush Anwendung.

Bei Interesse meldet euch gerne bei der VHS in Gründelhardt, oder in Crailsheim an. Die Kursübersicht und die Telefonnummern zur Anmeldung findet ihr rechts oben.

Ich freue mich auf euch.

Liebe Grüsse Bettina



Monday, August 12, 2024

Calabria again...jippieee!


So much behind in posting, therefore here is one of my favourite views from the Coastline. Love this view.

In the meantime I flew back to Calabria twice, therefore here are some of my favourite Calabria sketches I made there at my earlier visit:





...more later, Ciao.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Watercolour Portrait Sketches


I still had half a sheet left so I painted another guy right next to the lady. A process reel of both paintings can be seen down in my insta feed, if you are interested in seeing how I painted them. Both were done wet-in-wet in one go.

If you would like to learn this technique, check into my classes this November and December (see side bar).

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Sketching with USk Madeira


We met at Ponta do Sol for a wonderful sunny day of sketching on the Island of Madeira. My friend Rui had organized the official meeting again. After the first sketch directly by the sea we made the throwdown in the lawn in front of a hotel.

Then we went to the Old Pharmacy, which is a place to eat and we could sit outside for lunch. The weather was great. I sketched three of my fellow sketchers while waiting for the meal.


Then we went uphill to a small chapel with a very beautiful lookout. From there we could see the rooftops of the houses below and of course the sea in front of us.

Here is the full spread:

 Later I sketched the Ponte (bridge) from a café.


I forgot to photograph the last throwdown, but there are some of my films and photos in my Insta feed, if you are interested. Thank you to Rui and USk Madeira for these great memories.


Here come some of my sketches from different locations on the Island

Then another one from Garajau

and some other sketchbook entries:

After one travel is before the next...

Monday, March 18, 2024

Watercolour portrait sketch...a Boticelli Model


"This is a Boticelli-like looking person"... is what I thought as I saw this model for the first time. The floral background was an idea I had when I was in floral painting mood lately. Thank you to Judith for making this painting fun happen.

If you would like to learn how to paint a portrait in watercolour don't miss my next workshop at VHS in Crailsheim:

Next full day portrait workshop is on Saturday 01.06.24, 10 - 16°°. 

Reservation Kadri Peterson, VHS Crailsheim, Tel.: 07951 403 3817

Monday, March 11, 2024

Watercolour Portrait Sketch



Sunday morning portrait painting. I made a hyperlapse process video of it which can be seen on Insta @bettina_draws. That was a fabulous start to my day.

I worked very loose and did not stick too much to accuracy. This procedure turned out to be a good way for me to make short sketches wet-in-wet. 

A colourful start to the day. The Model is Soane Ara and the reference is from my friend Judith and her portraitchallenge.