Tuesday, September 14, 2021

LOKET SKETCHTOUR - watercolours


We had a fantastic time in Loket. Now follow a few of my real watercolours, which were done on good watercolour paper...

The first one is from "below the bridge", a view which was done by any participant of #loketsketchtour ...we were climbing up and down the stairs "schlepping" (a word Hana Alisa was using...) all the stuff up again...

 I continued  another one in size A3 with the following watercolour of the castle

It was quite hot that afternoon and in the beginning we sat in the shade...later it was so hot, that I did not finish totally...

The next day, I did a panoramic view on 20 x 40 cm watercolour paper 300gms

which was to the opposite side from the fortifying walls down to the railway track and bridge... 

 You can see that it was a very fast one. I did not consider much the details.

I like this for its light colouring, for the memories I had with Jana and the other great sketchers there and I am happy that the river is a bit visible in my painting.

I still got some more sketches from inside my sketchbook, which are not yet fotographed...stay tuned...more to come soon...

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