Sunday, May 16, 2021

Drink & Draw with USk Augsburg


Our friends from USk Augsburg invited to have a drink & draw zoom meeting about a week ago. Joachim Heinrich organised it and did a very good job as a kind of "showmaster". It was a real challenging and fun portrait party. In the beginning we could pin whoever of the about 15 attendants and make portraits to our liking

and I tried to capture as many participants as possible...enjoying the talks and the whole friendly atmosphere.

In terms of drawing it was quite challenging as everybody was drawing and moved a lot, looking up and down all the time...

After a while Joachim proposed that one person should be the model for a while and he defined a time limit. Speedsketching. The first one was a 3 minute portrait sketch and then a 1 minute sketch of the same person.

In the beginning I was having problems to adapt to the small timespan and messed up a few sketches, because my direct watercolour did not dry. Lateron I had a different strategy and just outlined the important features, which worked much better in the time given.

Here are some of my results.

We were online for about 4 hours that evening and it was pure joy for me. My thanks go to all participants and above all to Joachim and USk Augsburg for the possibilty to be part of the event.


Drink & Draw mit den Urban Sketchers Augsburg über zoom. Unser Thema: Portrait


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