How privileged we are, that we can talk to our friends around the world and even sketch with them online! So cool. A few days ago, we had a fantastic portrait sketching party. No fotos needed as we sketched ourselves live from the monitor.
My friends Antonella from Italy and Paula from Brazil were with me for an hour and we all did some leisure sketching, no hurry, no pressure, just sketch, learn and enjoy (It proved good to me that we spent about 20-25 min. for each sketch - everyone did two). We scheduled the sketching for the evening (CET) which was lunch time in Brazil.
My two portraits are done in direct watercolour because this is a fast direct technique and no preliminary drawing is needed which speeds my whole drawing process.
I felt so honoured to get two wonderful sketches they made of me after the session and sent them the ones I made of them.
We will do that sort of meeting soon again, as we all enjoyed it. Thank you my friends! Até a proxima.
Online Meeting mit Antonella aus Italien & Paula aus Brasilien. Toll, dass so etwas möglich ist. Wir hatten einen Riesen-Spass uns gegenseitig zu portraitieren. Kein Stress,...sich darauf einlassen. Meine Portraits sind nicht vorgezeichnet, sondern direkt mit dem Pinsel gemalt. Pro Portrait ca. 20-25 Minuten und natürlich witzige Gespräche dazu. Wir werden das bald wieder tun. Danke an euch Beide.
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