Friday, June 1, 2018

direct watercolour no.1 (30 direct watercolours in 30 days challenge) A friend

On May 15, Marc Holmes announced the following:

*** Announcing: #30x30DirectWatercolor2018!  ***

         *** Lets do 30 Paintings in 30 Days! ***


This new event will be a marathon, even for me, although I draw every day, but as stated by Marc, the drawings should be in DIRECT WATERCOLOUR
I practiced a lot during the last few months but I am not yet sure if I can do it.
Anyway I think that this is a good exercise - MORE PAINTING - LESS DRAWING.
For this entire month of June I try to be posting my daily outcome. Success or failure, I will share my stuff with you and hope lot's of you will join us and have fun.

Here is my no.1 direct watercolour in June with the face of a friend.

Hier ist mein erstes Bild direkt mit Aquarellfarbe (ohne Vorzeichnen) gemalt und es zeigt eine Freundin.

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