Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Test Neocolor II, waterlilies


When visiting my aunty, I went to a nice waterlily pond with her. We had enough time for a nice chat and I could paint as well.

Had my Neocolor II with me. Actually this is my second painting with them although I bought them more than a year ago. 

The fun is that the crayons can be wetted and are watercolourable, so it was a great fun testing their abilities. 

In my head I had the following thoughts: For sketching outside there are several pros and cons concerning these colours. 

Pro: That you can easily use them and create very bold and colourful areas in your paper - dry and wet, and the colours are beautiful. Con is that the full box is quite heavy for urbansketching and the colours have a very different look than watercolours...ok not too much cons...;)

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