Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sketchtour Dinkelsbühl - good moments - great challenges

The sketchtour was a blast! I enjoyed every moment. 

The best of the best moments and decisions for me personally were the following:

- Meeting my sketching friends again
- Throwing colour everywhere around and staying on site at a hotel so not 
  having the distractions from daily commitments at home and get totally 
  involved into painting was a good decision.
- Having fun, humorous moments and good food
- Getting into the flow
- Sketching nearly nonstop
- Doing nightsketches every evening
- Having good memories on paper and in the mind
- Seeing new techniques
- Learning about "preparation"

Whereas the challenges were:

- sketching people (I admit, I neglected this a bit)
- sketching at night with no or lesser light!
- dealing with the weather on one morning, which turned out well in the end
- fighting against being tired which was better in Dinkelsbühl than on other USk 
  events as we had only few real committments per day, everything was very 
  close and we could plan to our wishes
- at first I feared that keeping the distance to everybody according to the local 
  rules would be difficult, but it turned out being easier than expected.

After one sketchtour is before another sketchtour...I am already planning a new one and Jan said, he will do so as well. We keep you posted on our plans as soon as we figured out where and how.... 

Die Sketchtour war klasse. Was mir am Besten gefallen hat war, dass ich meine Freunde wieder getroffen habe und Spaß beim Malen hatte. Das Nachtsketchen war besonders toll.

Was für mich die grössten Herausforderungen waren: Personen in die Bilder einzubauen, Nachtsketchen ohne, oder mit wenig Licht, die Distanz zu Personen zu wahren (obwohl das besser ging, als ich es erwartet hatte) und einmal bei schlechtem Wetter zu malen, was sich dann aber auch als völlig unproblematisch herausstellte.

Nach der einen Sketchtour ist vor der anderen Sketchtour...Ich bin schon wieder am Planen und Jan sagte, er wolle auch eine Tour planen. Sobald ich genaueres weiss, werde ich berichten...

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