Oh I nearly forgot to post the sketch I did yesterday partly at the train station upon leaving my hometown and the sketch I did on the same side below of a few sketchers I saw...
Plus on the evening before we did some kind of fast night Sketching (my left sketch is a 5 min thing - fast and in a very tired mood) at Cafe Sluyswacht and went back to the hotel after a drink as we were all extremely tired from our long travels. We still had to plan where to go in the following morning for sketching and meeting friends for breakfast and to pack our sketching materials for the next day (the important thing was to pack a not too heavy bag and sketching material, as the Registration with the big goody bag would be in the afternoon at Zuiderkerk (already heavy stuff) and the Opening Reception for the 10th Urban Sketchers Symposium later.
What a joy to meet all those friends of last years Symposium again and to make new friends as well.
more of Amsterdam tomorrow...
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