Thursday, July 22, 2021

USk Hohenlohe in Untermünkheim bei den Störchen


My sketching friend Katharina organized a Sketch-Outing in Untermünkheim with the topic of sketching storks. 

It was a very clouded day and intermediate rainfalls made her search for sheltered spots. She came some time earlier and checked the places where we could see the birds best. The large birds nest is on the rooftop of the old townhall. 

We got lots of nice comments on our sketches and explanations about the birds from passers-by. 

In this nest live four storks, two parents and two youngsters. In the beginning there was just one of them to see.

As I finished my first sketch, I saw some nice wooden carved figure at the edge of the same building and tried to capture that part of the house. See below.


After having made the two square watercolours, we went to have some coffee and cake. So glad, that this is possible again.

The low batteries were recharged again and we continued...


Here is the photo of the part of the house I was sketching and below you can see me sketching the storks. Thanks to Katharina, I got that photo.

Katharina hatte einen Sketch-Event geplant. Thema waren die Störche in Untermünkheim.

Das Wetter war sehr bewölkt mit etwas Nieselregen. Das hielt uns aber nicht vom Sketchen ab. Katharina kam etwas vor der Zeit und sah sich um, von wo aus wir die Störche am besten sehen konnten und wo wir bei Regen geschützt wären. 

Auf dem alten Rathaus-Dach befand sich das grosse Nest. Zuerst malte ich den Storch und später die geschnitzte Eckfigur am Rathaus auf quadratisches 20 x 20 cm Papier.


Dank Katharina gibt es ein Bild von mir beim Malen.



I did a few other stork sketches, which I will have to scan and show in a few days. 

Next we were searching for a calm spot close to the church and began to sketch. Nice people came by and we were invited to see the church and the clocktower from the inside which was fantastic, as it began to shower (therefore my painting below is not finished...). 

What a lovely and inspiring afternoon with USk Hohenlohe.

an der Kirche in Untermünkheim

Das Aquarell vom Kirchplatz bleibt leider unfertig. Es begann zu regnen und wir bekamen eine spontane Kirchbesichtigung mit Aufstieg auf den Glockenturm geboten.

Wieder ein schöner USk Hohenlohe Nachmittag. 

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